On The Blog
Pinnacle Real Estate Blog
Welcome to our blog! We share some helpful content related to real estate, the Lynchburg community, and helpful tips as a home owner! Check out our recent posts below!
NEWEST BLOG POST! | March 7, 2025
Choosing a Realtor is a big decision! You are giving a person access to helping you with one of the largest financial decisions you may make in your life: buying or selling a home.
February 28, 2025
We take our job very seriously when it comes to helping determine your home’s true value when it’s time to sell.
February 14, 2025
A popular question I’m often asked is, “So how’s the market?” It’s a conversation starter, but, with a person’s home being one of, if not THE largest asset they have, people want to know!
December 19, 2024
As a Realtor, I have had the joy of seeing many of the “spaces” in our area. You all have invited me into your beautiful homes, or allowed me to tour you through properties you’re considering purchasing. But think about some of the humble spaces where historical figures had their beginnings.
November 15, 2024
Anxiety is real, hard, and painful. So what do we do when worry dominates our life?
September 1, 2024
Is it still a good time to buy a home? What about selling a home? Take a look at this easy read to see an update on the currently Lynchburg Real Estate Market!
August 2, 2024
Habits can have a powerful impact on our lives, and they don’t have to be negative! Check out our newest blog post and book summary of Atomic Habits.
June 8, 2024
While Lynchburg has grown significantly over the years, it can seem a little slower than larger cities! What to do when you feel like “there’s nothing to do here!”
May 10, 2024
Instead of just improving your home to sell, why not make some goals in 2024 about improving your home to live!
April 15, 2024
There are so many ways to answer that question! Let me list off a few reasons why I love calling Lynchburg home!
March 22, 2024
I love being that resource for my clients! The iconic song from the Sound of Music lists some of Julie Andrews “Favorite Things.” I thought I’d take a moment to list some of my favorite local things to do, foods to eat, and places to go right here in the Lynchburg area!
March 1, 2024
Over the last century, the ways in which Realtors are able to serve clients has changed dramatically thanks to technology! You may wonder, how can your Realtor serve you in 2024? Here are just a few ways that Pinnacle Real Estate can help you buy or sell a home!
January 19, 2024
Recently a list of “Safest Cities from Natural Disasters” was posted on the website from www.katiecouric.com Can you guess the city that landed the number 2 Spot?
December 29, 2023
One of the wonderful things about America is the free market economy and the ability for consumers to choose! When buying or selling a home in the Lynchburg area, you have a choice: Should I work with a Realtor? Is it worth my time to find the best Lynchburg Realtor or best Forest Realtor?
December 1, 2023
High interest rates have continued to befuddle home buyers in 2023! Moving into 2024, while interest rates are expected to go down eventually, experts anticipate the high rates are here to stay for the time being. If you are interested in purchasing a home this year in Lynchburg, Bedford, Campbell County or Amherst County, what should you do?
August 9, 2023
Rapidly rising home prices over the last several years have caused many buyers to ask the question: “Is this a bad time to buy?” The answer may depend on a few factors.
May 18, 2023
You have a project or repair that needs to be done at your home and you need to renovate. You call 3 contractors to get estimates. Two of them never call you back and the third says he can do the work in 4-6 months…if you’re lucky! What is happening in our skilled construction labor market?
March 1, 2023
At Pinnacle Real Estate, we have served customers in Lynchburg, Forest, Bedford County, Campbell County and Amherst County for years – whether they live locally or not, and this includes those living out of state or even long distance!
August 4, 2023
If you’re interested in buying or selling a home in Lynchburg, Bedford County, Campbell County, or Amherst County, there are some great options you have for representation! There are many skilled, knowledgeable Realtors in the Lynchburg area. With all the great options available, why choose us?
January 5, 2023
Selling a home is a big deal. It is not only a large financial decision, but it’s often deeply personal as well. I’ve often told my customers that buying or selling a home is both a financial decision and a human one. There are many factors involved depending on your situation and circumstances. Perhaps you’re not in a hurry and your main objective is to get as much money as possible from the sale. Or, perhaps you Are in a hurry and the main objective is to get the home sold as quickly as possible with no hassles and less uncertainty. Perhaps you’re somewhere in between!
November 4, 2022
A housing recession is defined by the National Association of Realtors as six straight months of declining home sales. On a national level, this is the case: America is in a Housing Recession. According to a recent article of Forbes.com, the main factors are increasing mortgage interest rates (leading to higher mortgage payments) and high construction costs.
September 13, 2022
Looking through Realtor.com and Zillow.com for homes for sale but ending up frustrated with the results? The national housing shortage, along with shortages in our local markets of Lynchburg, Forest, Campbell County, Amherst County, and Bedford, has become a frequent topic of conversation in recent years. Bidding wars, rapid appreciation, and the crazy real estate market we’ve been living in are the result of two basic forces: High demand for housing and low supply of housing.
July 22, 2022
Does curb appeal increase one’s home value? We’ve all heard that improving your home’s curb appeal by adding or improving landscaping, trimming bushes, weeding flower beds, and pressure washing sidewalks and the exterior of the home helps when selling your home, but is that really true? Or is that just an urban legend?
July 1, 2022
Rising Interest Rates – is this the key factor for a soon-to-be cooler housing market? For the first time in years, the housing market appears to be showing signs of cooling. Agents in our community are discussing fewer bidding wars, decreased showing activity, and even some price reductions. So could rising interest rates be the cause of the pause in the crazy real estate market?
June 13, 2022
Home values have accelerated at break-neck speed over the past several years, leaving many people wondering “How long will this continue?!” In an August 10th 2021 article on Forbes.com, all signs point to a leveling off of home prices nationwide. The reason for the cooling in rocketing appreciation has to do with higher inventory levels and lower demand caused by higher home prices.