Setting Goals for 2023
“The Wagon”
Many of us have heard the phrase, “I’ve fallen off the wagon!”, referring to when a goal has been set and our actions do not line up with our goal over time. If you’re like me, you have lived this out many times throughout your life! “Falling off the wagon” can lead to discouragement, and eventually even to thinking “What’s the point of setting a goal? Eventually I’ll just fall off the wagon again!” We’d like to encourage you to consider thinking about actually setting goals for 2023!
Why You Should You Set Goals for 2023
As we begin a new year, I’d like to encourage you with this thought: Even though you may not accomplish your goals perfectly and without fail this year, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t set goals and work hard to achieve them. None of us are perfect, but we can all achieve progress!
Three Tips for Setting Goals
As you consider setting goals, here are a few tips that will increase the likelihood of making progress towards your goals in 2023.
- Make your goals specific
- Write your goals down (42% more likely to do them!)
- Share your goals with a friend
There are 365 days in a year. Take a few hours to think about what progress you want to make in various areas of your life this year and, as Stephen Covey writes in his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, “Begin with the end in mind!” You’ll be glad you did! For further reading and tips to setting goals for 2023, check out this article by Ramsey Solutions.
Print Off A Goals Worksheet
We’ve created a 2023 Goals Worksheet for you to print off and work through! There are several different categories ranging from personal, professional, and family goals. We hope this basic tool can help you get started! Click here for the printable worksheet!